卡农小提琴五线谱第101课︱有配音 超实用 国外旅游英语-微口语

第101课︱有配音 超实用 国外旅游英语-微口语

英语口语互动教学平台国外旅游英语 第101课Oral English for Traveling Abroad
Lesson 101 意见不合

[Must be...] 这个时候最需要的一句话!卡农小提琴五线谱
I don’t think so.
What is your opinion?
I don’t agree.
Why is that?
I don’t understand.
I can show you again.
I am confused.
I will try to put it another way.
I don’t get it.
I will make it simple for you.
Can you repeat that尹索微?
It is okay if you don’t understand it.
Sounds complicated.
It shouldn’t be so complicated.
I have a different thought.
OK, please tell me about your thought.
I object.
Do you have any suggestions荷塘莲语?

confuse 迷惑
opinion 观点
simple 简单的
complicated 复杂的
repeat 重复
thought 想法;思想
suggestion 建议

The more you speak, the better your English will become!
我们去国外旅游时,《国外旅游英语︱有配音 超实用》是非常有帮助的,共113课,其最大的优点是简单实用重掌大隋 ,感觉你在和老外说 mini sentence 迷你句刘弘章 ,老外绝对能听明白,这就够了;反过来,老外说话时只要你能听懂他一句话里的关键词也就够了,当然能听懂全部最好,若基础差的学员能听懂对方的关键词就OK了,我们每一课后面都总结了该课的Vocabulary 词汇;我们学旅游英语的目的就是和老外交流基本无障碍,能互相明白对方的意思。王翊丹 总而言之,我们和老外交流时将关键词说出来就够了,暂且不用考虑令人头痛的语法!我们会定期推出Lesson,希望能帮助到大家金盆洗脚城 ,大家要坚持跟着录音朗读,随身携带手机,随时随地利用业余时间跟读富宁安 ,日积月累,就会出国旅游不用愁语言交流问题啦!
Still feel headache about not being able to speak English when you travel abroad? Click this link and let's start speaking out the super-practical English for Traveling Abroad珠宝窝论坛!
Practical English for Traveling Abroad with Audioisvery helpful for you to go to overseas to travel, which consists of 113 lessons and it's biggest advantage is simple and practical and you can feel you are saying mini sentences with foreigners, which foreigners can understand嘉顺皇后 , and that's enough if your foundation is not so good.
Vice visa, if you can comprehend some keywords spoken by foreigners, that's also no block between your communication, and we have summarized the key words in the end of each lesson. All in all僵尸夜总会 , we must express out the key words to let the others understand us陈清銮, no need to care about grammars so far, because the purpose of language is to communicate! We hope you can imitate the audio of each lesson carefully and step by step you will be no problem to go abroad to travel without language barrier!
Never give up your dream to achieve your goal!
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